# Explanation

# Chart

📊 You can easily create variable charts.

# series

This contains the direct data essential for the chart. You can specify the type or name of each chart data.

series: [
            name: 'Women',
            data: [25, 30, 64, 57, 50]
            name: 'Men',
            data: [30, 27, 56, 39, 70]


# options

This determines the shape of the chart and includes style elements such as the title or font size of the chart.

Vuetiful-board basically follows the internal configuration of apexchart.
Therefore, please refer to this page if you want more detailed information. apexchart (opens new window)

options: {
          chart: {
            type: 'line',
          title: {
            text: 'Growth Rate',
            align: 'center',
            style: {
              fontSize: '20px',
              fontWeight: 'bold',


# Grid

🖼 You can easily create a dragable and resized grid.

# x

This means the initial horizontal position of the item (as to which column to be placed).
The value must be a number.

# y

This means the initial vertical position of the item (in which row to be placed).
The value must be a number.

# w

This refers to the initial width of the item.

# h

This refers to the initial height of the item.

# i

This each serves as a unique identifier for grid items.
The value must be a string and not overlap.

# static

This determines whether to modify (draggable & resize) the item.
If you want the item to be fixed, it should be false, otherwise, it should be true.

x: 0, y: 0, w: 6, h: 12, i: '0', static: false